​PSC Global Observatory
About The Project

Mind the Worker: Transformative Change for a Human-Centred Corporate Climate 
Professor Maureen Dollard was awarded one of the Australian Research Council’s most prestigious grants, receiving a Australian Laureate Fellowship (ALF) for 2020, for the Mind the Worker: Transformative Change for a Human-Centred Corporate Climate project. Significant project resourcing has allowed the foundation of the Psychosocial Safety Climate Global Observatory (PSC GO). In addition to the ALF, Professor Dollard was awarded the 2020 Kathleen Fitzpatrick Laureate Fellowship, awarded to ‘outstanding female researchers in humanities, arts and social sciences’.

Australian Laureate Fellow (ALF), for building world class research teams and outputs and establishing the new Psychosocial Safety Climate (PSC) Global Observatory research platform. These results provide clear evidence of Dollard’s ability to, face the unknown, be a global transformative leader, inspire and promote international advances in the field, build effective platforms (conferences, expert meetings), share and generate knowledge, and build greater and powerful networks. Prof Dollard has received many awards for international and industry engagement, and her advice is sought on many advisory boards.

Plans to Build World Class Research Capacity and Diverse Teams 
The PSC Global Observatory is a proposed new ALF research platform that will lead to ground-breaking, interdisciplinary, international, research. It will bring together world class researchers, will inspire and conduct rigorous research on PSC, and will collect, collate, analyse, synthesise and publish PSC data and informatics at the global, national, and corporate level, with the potential to change workplace policy-making world-wide. 
It will comprise four functional aspects: 

  1. an action team involving the Laureate Fellow, Post Docs and PhDs; 
  2. an International Research and Industry Advisory Board to enhance excellent ethical academic outputs, industry relevance, and potential policy translation; 
  3. a Data Analytics and Visualisation Hub; and 
  4. a Translation Brain (policy and practice expert) to improve the translation of research projects into policy and practice.